SCXI-1600 NI

NI SCXI-1600是一款高性能的数据采集和控制块,它可与SCXI机箱和其他SCXI模块配合使用,创建一个真正即插即用的USB数据采集系统1。该模块设计用于测量和自动化系统的信号调理和开关平台,提供多通道信号调理功能,可以安装在坚固的机箱内。


  • 总线类型:SCXI
  • 操作系统:Windows, 实时系统, Linux
  • 测量类型:电流, 温度, 热电偶, 电压
  • 通道数:32个可独立编程的虚拟输入量
  • 采样率:166 kS/s
  • 带宽:10 kHz
  • 输入阻抗:1 GOhm
  • 电压范围:-10..10 V
  • 电流范围:0..20 mA
  • 发货速度快: 我们拥有专业的仓储和物流团队,能够保证您的订单快速发货
  • 品质保证: 我们所有产品均经过严格检验,确保品质优良
  • 售后服务完善: 我们提供完善的售后服务,一年质保


SCXI-1600 NI

NI SCXI-1600是一款高性能的数据采集和控制块,它可与SCXI机箱和其他SCXI模块配合使用,创建一个真正即插即用的USB数据采集系统1。该模块设计用于测量和自动化系统的信号调理和开关平台,提供多通道信号调理功能,可以安装在坚固的机箱内。


  • 总线类型:SCXI
  • 操作系统:Windows, 实时系统, Linux
  • 测量类型:电流, 温度, 热电偶, 电压
  • 通道数:32个可独立编程的虚拟输入量
  • 采样率:166 kS/s
  • 带宽:10 kHz
  • 输入阻抗:1 GOhm
  • 电压范围:-10..10 V
  • 电流范围:0..20 mA


  • 高性能:提供高精度数据采集和信号调理功能。
  • 即插即用:易于安装和配置,无需复杂设置。
  • 多通道设计:支持多通道信号采集,满足复杂系统的需求。
  • 广泛兼容性:兼容多种操作系统和测量类型。


  • 实验室测试:用于科研和实验室环境中的数据采集和信号分析。
  • 工业自动化:在工业自动化系统中进行信号监控和数据采集。
  • 测试和测量:适用于各种测试和测量任务,如传感器信号采集和信号处理。

The NI SCXI-1600 is a high-performance data acquisition and control block designed to work in conjunction with SCXI chassis and other SCXI modules, creating a truly plug-and-play USB data acquisition system1. This module serves as a signal conditioning and switching platform for measurement and automation systems, offering multi-channel signal conditioning capabilities within a robust chassis2.


  • Bus Type: SCXI
  • Operating Systems: Windows, Real-time Systems, Linux
  • Measurement Types: Current, Temperature, Thermocouples, Voltage
  • Number of Channels: 32 independently programmable virtual inputs3
  • Sampling Rate: 166 kS/s1
  • Bandwidth: 10 kHz1
  • Input Impedance: 1 GOhm
  • Voltage Range: -10 to 10 V
  • Current Range: 0 to 20 mA

Functional Characteristics:

  • High Performance: Provides high-precision data acquisition and signal conditioning capabilities.
  • Plug-and-Play: Easy installation and configuration with no complex setup required.
  • Multi-channel Design: Supports multi-channel signal acquisition, meeting the needs of complex systems.
  • Wide Compatibility: Compatible with various operating systems and measurement types.

Application Fields:

  • Laboratory Testing: Used for data acquisition and signal analysis in scientific research and laboratory environments.
  • Industrial Automation: For signal monitoring and data acquisition in industrial automation systems.
  • Testing and Measurement: Suitable for various testing and measurement tasks, such as sensor signal acquisition and signal processing.

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