HONEYWELL TK-PRR021是一款高性能的无线压力变送器,用于监测和传输压力数据。它采用先进的传感技术和无线通信技术,能够实时、准确地提供压力测量数据,并具备远程监控和数据传输功能。
- 测量范围:根据具体应用需求而定
- 精度:高精度测量,满足各种工业应用需求
- 工作温度范围:适应广泛的工业环境
- 通信接口:支持无线传输,可与其他设备进行数据交换
- 防护等级:具备高防护等级,适应恶劣环境
- 实时监测:能够实时、准确地监测压力变化,确保生产过程的稳定性和安全性。
- 无线通信:采用无线通信技术,无需布线,方便安装和维护。
- 高精度测量:具备高精度测量能力,能够满足各种工业应用对压力测量的要求。
- 可靠性高:采用高品质材料和先进工艺制造,确保产品的高可靠性和长寿命。
HONEYWELL TK-PRR021广泛应用于石油化工、制药、食品、环保等行业的压力监测和控制系统。它可以用于监测各种气体和液体的压力变化,为生产过程提供准确的压力数据支持。
The HONEYWELL TK-PRR021 is a high-performance wireless pressure transmitter used for monitoring and transmitting pressure data. It employs advanced sensing and wireless communication technologies to provide real-time and accurate pressure measurement data, with remote monitoring and data transmission capabilities.
(Note: Specific specifications may vary depending on the model and version, and the following are general descriptions)
- Measurement Range: Determined based on specific application requirements
- Accuracy: High-precision measurement to meet various industrial application needs
- Operating Temperature Range: Suitable for a wide range of industrial environments
- Communication Interface: Supports wireless transmission for data exchange with other devices
- Protection Rating: High protection rating for harsh environments
Functional Characteristics:
- Real-time Monitoring: Capable of monitoring pressure changes in real-time to ensure stability and safety in the production process.
- Wireless Communication: Utilizes wireless communication technology, eliminating the need for wiring and facilitating installation and maintenance.
- High-precision Measurement: Provides high-precision measurement capabilities to meet the requirements of various industrial applications for pressure measurement.
- High Reliability: Manufactured using high-quality materials and advanced processes to ensure high reliability and long lifespan.
Application Fields:
The HONEYWELL TK-PRR021 is widely used in pressure monitoring and control systems in industries such as petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, food, and environmental protection. It can be used to monitor pressure changes in various gases and liquids, providing accurate pressure data support for the production process.